We warmly welcome Irfan Čustović at the Chair of IC
Irfan Čustović is joining the Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction as a doctoral researcher. He will be working with Prof. Dr. Daniel M. Hall and Dr. Ranjith K. Soman on the project “Smart Mobile Factories for Infrastructure”.

Irfan has obtained his master’s degree at ETH in Civil Engineering with majors in Construction and Maintenance Management and Structural Engineering. In his master thesis at the chair of IC with Prof. Dr. Daniel M. Hall and Mr. Jianpeng Cao he investigated the application of cloud manufacturing, a novel manufacturing paradigm for industrialized construction. He received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for his master studies. During this time, Irfan was a teaching assistant for the course “Lean, Integrated and Digital Project Delivery” held by Prof. Daniel M. Hall in autumn semesters 2020 and 2021. Additionally, he was a student research assistant at the Chair of Structural Engineering – Concrete Structures and Bridge Design where he investigated the application of extended reality (XR) in structural engineering education. Irfan did his bachelor studies at the Technische Universität Berlin, where he was also a teaching assistant, and obtained his degree in civil engineering in 2019.
Smart Mobile Factory for Infrastructure Projects (SMF4INFRA)
The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction has two main research focuses: Governance of Integrated and Lean Project Delivery as well as Industrialized Construction. For more information visit our webpage.