Real-Time Progress Reporting - a partially automated scheduling approach
This thesis aims at integrating the construction worker in the ongoing digital transformation within the construction sector. As of now, most digital tools are geared towards the “knowledge-workers” while the potential of the laborer preforming the actual work on site is largely left unharnessed. To that end, a literary research was conducted where means of bringing digitalization to the worker were identified. It was found that progress reporting of tasks by the worker who completes the task is a viable, local and measurable solution.
To tie in with the notion of automation, it was decided that the reporting should be done on the worker’s own device, where simple button presses for completion or non-completion would suffice to capture the necessary data, which is then automatically forwarded to a database. A hybrid-application was developed with HTML, CSS and JS, by first coding a clear and streamlined user interface, which allows the worker to view at a glance, their daily tasks and other vital information. They are then enabled to report on the status of said tasks right at the time and source of completion. They may also report non-completion or complications by entering deviating information. A backend was then developed which not only feeds information to the workers remote devices, but also captures their inputs and stores them in a database to be used for further applications.
The finished product was tested for three weeks on an actual construction site, where it was well received. Foremen of the trades reported on the status of their tasks. From the inputs, a delay analysis was performed which identified reasons for inefficiency and insightful patterns of delay. Testing has shown that, for various reasons, it is too early to involve the laborer in this process. I however still report a successful test phase, with foremen who were well capable of reporting, as collaboration was fostered and communication was facilitated. The developed tool, therefore, after some rework and further testing, could see wide spread implementation.