Firehiwot Kedir successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on 08 September 2022
The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction congratulates Firehiwot Kedir to successfully defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “The Performance and Potential of Industrialized Construction for resource-efficient housing construction: a multi-scalar approach across product, system, and context”.

Firehiwot Kedir successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: "The Performance and Potential of Industrialized Construction for resource-efficient housing construction: a multi-scalar approach across product, system, and context’" on 08 September 2022. The doctoral thesis was written under the supervision of our former ETH Prof. Daniel Hall (now at TU Delft) and Prof. Dr. Guillaume Habert.
The Chair wishes her all the best with her next career step at Impenia as a Product designer (division real estate).

The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction has two main research focuses: Governance of Integrated and Lean Project Delivery as well as Industrialized Construction. For more information visit our webpage.