Introduction to Visual Machine Perception

The chair of IC will offer a new course titled Introduction to Visual Machine Perception for Architecture, Construction, and Facility Management taught by Dr. Iro Armeni.

by Ricarda Wellauer

The course is an introduction to Visual Machine Perception technology, and specifically Computer Vision and Machine Learning, for Architecture, Construction, and Facility Management (ACFM). It will explore fundamentals in these Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in a tight reference to three applications in ACFM, namely architectural design, construction renovation, and facility management. The course does not require any background in AI, Computer Science, coding, or the ACFM domain. It is designed for students of any background and knowledge on these topics. Despite being an introductory class, it will still engage advanced students in the aforementioned topics.

external pageView Iro’s short introduction about what the course will contain

Link to course catalogue

What is this course about?

The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction has two main research focuses: Governance of Integrated and Lean Project Delivery as well as Industrialized Construction. For more information visit our webpage

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