Ng Ming Shan successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on 31 August 2022

The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction congratulates Ng Ming Shan to successfully defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “Design for Digital Fabrication (DfDFAB): management for sustainable adoption of emerging technologies and innovations”.

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Ng Ming Shan after her successful defense

Ng Ming Shan successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: "Design for Digital Fabrication (DfDFAB): management for sustainable adoption of emerging technologies and innovations" on 31 August 2022. The doctoral thesis was written under the supervision of our former ETH Prof. Daniel Hall (now at TU Delft) and co-examiners Prof. Dr. Thomas Bock (TU Munich), Prof. Dr. Carl Haas (University of Waterloo), Prof. Dr. Shang-Hsien Hsieh (National Taiwan University).

Ng Ming Shan was a JSPS Fellow at Kyoto University in Spring 2022 and the Chair wishes her all the best with her new employment as Associate Professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology in Japan.


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From left to right: Defence Chairman Andreas, Prof. Daniel Hall, Ng Ming Shan, Prof. Carl Haas
The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction
The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction

The Chair of Innovative and Industrial Construction has two main research focuses: Governance of Integrated and Lean Project Delivery as well as Industrialized Construction. For more information visit our webpage.

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